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008381904 语言与文化.doc

I.  Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)

1. Without      as the medium for formal or informal instruction, no culture could ever be 


     A. thought            B. language           C. culture        D. speech

2. When we say that language is      , we mean that there is no logical relationship between words and the objects that these words are used to refer to.

     A. systematic         B. arbitrary           C. symbolic       D. vocal

3.  The central theme of traditional Chinese culture is      or environmentalism.

     A. individualism       B. humanism          C. socialism      D. collectivism

4.  The communicative value a word has in addition to its conceptual meaning is the      meaning of the word.

     A. collocative         B. connotative         C. affective       D. thematic

5.  The onomatopoeic words can be found in the following sentences EXCEPT      

     A. A pig squeals when it is hurt

     B. The croaky sounds disturbed me

     C. l:squeezed carefully through the crowd

     D. He shook his head with an appreciative chuckle

6.  1) Strike while the iron is hot.


      The above pair of sentences shows the grammatical contrast between English and

      Chinese in      

      A. grammatical morphemes                  B. subjects and objects

      C. paratactic and hypotactic relations           D. recipients and modifiers

7.  If a Chinese boy is named as “钟剑”,which English personal name is most proper for him?

      A. Joseph.            B. Heather.           C. Arthur.        D. Brenda.

8.  If an American professor has prepared a letter of recommendation for his student who is looking for a job, it is customary for the student to say,"       "

      A. You are my life-saver

      B. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help

      C. I'm sorry to have wasted your time

      D. I apologize for bothering you so many times

9.  The following English proverbs are related to navigation EXCEPT"      "

      A. It is a hard sailing when there is no wind

      B. A great ship asks deep water

      C. England is the ringing island

      D. The good seaman is known in bad weather

 10. What feature of idioms does "each man for himself and the devil take the hindmost" epresent?

       A. Idioms' patterns may be unusual from the other regular expressions.

       B. Idioms' meaning is unpredictable even when their component words are known.

       C. An idiom has to be learned as a word even though it may consist of several words.

       D. The relationship between the idioms and their meaning is arbitrary.

 11. In the sentence "What a dull speech! He's merely parroting what many others have said", the vehicle is      

       A. parrot        B. a dull speech        C. he        D. many others

  12. In the following metaphorical expressions,"       "shows love is war.

       A. I'm crazy about her

       B. 1 was entranced by him

       C. I could feel the electricity between us

       D. He is known for his many rapid conquests

13. Which of the following address form shows that in English culture familiarity is highly valued?

     A. Professor White.                    B. Mrs White.

     C. Miss White.                         D. John or Mary.

14. The following expressions are euphemisms of"die" EXCEPT      

     A. go                                B. release

     C. breathe one's last                     D. be with God

15. Which of the following is NOT a textual connective?

     A. but                            B. if

     C. however                            D. of

16. The basic meaning of       relations is "contrary to expectation".

     A. additive                            B. adversative

     C. causal                             D. temporal

17. The word that has British English spelling is      

     A. color                               B. cigaret

     C. defence                             D. civilize

18. Advertisement English differs from other varieties of English in many ways. Which of the following advertisements shows the feature of frequent use of adjectives?

     A. Soothing, Sensuous. Fragrantly Fragrant.

     B. I'm MORE satisfied.

     C. Only a large and active rent-a-car network like European is ready to meet every

 demand of the important Middle East traveler.

    D. An unrivaled international collection of exceptional natural fiber bedding, clothing, 

intimate apparel and personal accessories, for discerning adults and some very 

fortunate children.

19. Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of nonverbal messages?

      A. Complementing.                    B. Repeating.

      C. Substituting.                        D. Implying.

20. In communication very often we need to respond to the expectations from the people around us and to exaggerate our facial behaviours to meet these expectations. This kind of       facial management is called      

      A. intensifying -                       B. deintensifying

      C. neutralizing                         D. masking


II.  Eachof the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There is more than one correct answer to each question. 00%)

21. In English kinship terms the distinction        is ignored in "cousin".

     A. between blood relatives and spouse relatives

     B. between male and female relatives

     C. between paternal and maternal relatives

     D. made according to the seniority of relatives of the same generation

22. The medium of nonverbal interaction includes      , etc.

     A. verbal language                      B. habits

     C. gestures                            D. facial expressions

23. Which of the following statements are true about English grammatical morphemes?

     A. In English all suffixes are inflectional morphemes.

     B. In English not all prefixes are derivational morphemes.

     C. Inflectional morphemes are also called grammatical morphemes.

     D. When inflectional morphemes are attached to words, they do not change the word

        class of the words.

24. It is quite common to find personal names in English related to      

     A. religion                            B. historical events

     C. authority                           D. date of birth

25. The Chinese equivalents to the English idiom "to keep one's own company" are      

    A.离群索居    B.独来独往    C白手起家    D.独当一面

26. Metaphors can be found in the sentence"      "

     A. His words stabbed at her heart

     B. Look at your hands, boy, they're as black as coal

     C. There are too many facts here for me to digest them all

     D. Pop looked so unhappy, almost like a child who has lost his piece of candy

27. Of the following expressions,       are euphemisms.

     A. plain looking                       B. physically handicapped

     C. ugly                              D. crippled

28. Hypotactic relations can be found in"     "

     A. I believe he is an honest man

     B. He bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etc

     C. The man ran away when he saw the dog

     D. Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast

29. Words that are used in British English are

     A. engine                         B. tube

     C. railroad                         D. pavement

30. Of the following gestures,       mean the same in both English and Chinese body

     language systems.

     A. shaking one's head

     B. waving good-bye when people part

     C. touching or pointing to one's own nose with raised forefinger

     D. rubbing one's thumb against one's forefinger and middle finger


III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)

31. Language is used for conveying      , so its structure and function must reflect them.

32. The Chinese equivalent for "busybody" is      "rather than "大忙人".

33. Morphemes are      units of meaning in languages like Chinese and English.

34. Names include       names, surnames, full names, with or without a title, and nicknames or pet names.

35. Implied or indirect references are called      

36. The creature, idea or object to be compared to something else is called a      

37. The euphemism "have a tendency to stretch the truth" refers to the behaviour of      

38. When rhetoric is talked about,      argumentation means that the central idea is presented at the beginning of a text and that information supporting it is conveyed after it.

39. Many technical terms in English are      words from Greek or Latin, such as "botany", "mathematics" and "datum".

40. Nonverbal communication is the process by which nonverbal behaviours are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviours, in the exchange and interpretation of messages within a given situation or      


IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)

41. How to define the term "artistic thinking" as used in the discussion of thought?

42. What can people get from a drugstore?

43. What do hypotactic relations refer to?

44. The lead in a news report normally presents briefly five Ws. Analyze the following news lead and write out at least three Ws.

An 83-year-oM great grand-mother received a bachelor’s degree from South-eastern University today, more than 50 years after she took her first college course.


V.  Translation. (18%)



47.树倒猢狲散(Notetranslate it wint an English proverb)

48. Every wise man dreadeth his enemy.

49. He was robbed of all his money.

50. I'd like to have your comments on my book. (Note: It is often nothing but a polite remark when showing or giving one's own publications as a gift.)


VI. Discuss the following topics. (20%)

51. What is a proverb? How are proverbs related to culture?

52. Discuss the major factors that affect people's choice of styles.




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